Wednesday 18 May 2011

Derek Mark's Blog - May 2011

Hi everyone – and sorry so late. John, myself and the team at The Liverpool Cruise Club have been so mad busy lately that I hadn’t noticed that it’s just a few short weeks until I take my first cruise holiday, aboard Fred Olsen’s Braemer in June.

Being down at Southampton and seeing the way the cruise operation works there has really opened my eyes. My neighbours have just returned from their umpteenth cruise – and as I write this, I’ve just spent a good hour in the sunny garden picking their brains for hints and tips. The overall message they gave me is to not have a care in the world. Relax, and enjoy. They’ve just been on another med cruise, and affirmed just how varied a cruise holiday can be.

John and I have been meeting more of you whilst we’ve been out and about on our travels – and the more people I speak to, the more excited I am. So, the countdown is nearly over. I’ve already got in mind what I’m going to be wearing on board. Of course, something for all occasions – and I keep forgetting that I can take as much luggage as I like as it’s a no-fly cruise from Dover.

I’ve promised that I’m going to take my camera with me and do a daily blog – as it turns out that many people take a Norwegian Fjords cruise as their first.

John’s on board another Fred Olsen sailing going in July I think – and it’s one of the cruises that features on our Fred Olsen programme coming up in June. We’ve got some really, really good opportunities for you in that programme – so don’t miss it.

As always, I’m keen to hear from you. Have you been to the fjords, and top-tips and must-do’s – I’d love to hear them. You can e-mail at any time.

Right friends, I’ll go and think of packing and continue my eager wait to get on board. 11th of June, Dover! 11th of June, Dover! I can’t wait. I’ll keep you up to date.

Take Care for now.

Derek Marks

Presenter - Liverpool Cruise Club